Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Birthday Party at MOPS

Happy Birthday Everyone! We had a birthday theme day on 3/24. Gini made the above cake giving us lots of tips on making a birthday cake. Belinda provided us with some great theme birthday ideas along with games. My Uncle Don came and showed us some things we could make with balloons. We all had a great time. Kyleen is showing us her sword with no blade. She is one safety conscious mom.

Andrea is pretty in her party hat!


Kelly Glupker said...

Wish I could have been there. One of my many projects for my class is to plan a very detailed child's birthday party. I have to explain every detail - cake, food, games, blah blah blah.

TraceyLD said...

Kelly...It sounds like Owen's next birthday party should be pretty amazing with all the planning you will be doing!

Kelly Glupker said...

His birthday is two days before this baby is due. So I'm not sure how much of this work will actually be put to use.

Pam said...

Tracey that looks like TONS of fun!
Well, I did it. I stepped up to be a MOPS leader for next year. I may be picking your brain for some ideas in the near future.

TraceyLD said...

Are you planning on going to convention? It's a great time and a great place to learn new ideas.
Give me a call anytime and we'll talk MOPS.