Friday, March 6, 2009

Mama said there'd be days like this!

Happy Birthday Steve!
I don't think this will be a day Steve will forget ever. It probably was his worse one yet.
He still is fighting the cold. His cough is terrible. I think he would have stayed in bed today but at 6am he gets a text message that the power is out at work and the generator did not start so all computer systems are down. Needless to say he spend a very exhausting day at work trying to get HDI up and running again.
The girls and I stopped about 3:30 bringing him B/L/D because he did not have anything to eat all day.
He was able to come home shortly after that only to have a leaking boiler at home. So tonight he spend the evening try to repair our 76 year old boiler. I believe he has had success.
The picture is from Christmas. He wanted a remote helicopter. It is still in the box. I should rewrap in and give it again. I hope he will find the time soon to play.


Pam said...

Happy Birthday Steve. Sorry you had such a hard day. You are a great provider for your family, and I know they appreciate all your hard work.

Kara said...

What a guy. Why does stuff have to go wrong when he feels so terrible????
And Belated Happy Birthday Steve. Hopefully today you are feeling a bit better.

amber said...

Oh, what a day! And on his birthday! Hope today is going better!

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday Steve. Can I show my ignorance? What does a boiler do?

TraceyLD said...

A boiler is used to heat our house. I'm not sure exactly how it works. But I believe it's something like this. There is a fire in the unit that heats the water and I believe the steam then travels through the pipes to the radiator that distributes heat through out the house. I believe it's also known as hot water heat.
It's a very quiet system and the heat is constant. I do really like it.