Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The girls have started soccer. They had their first game on Saturday. Soccer is new to the whole family but the girls are loving it! Amber even had time to blow dad a kiss during the game.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Last Three Weeks

Home...Boston...Flint....Traverse City....Vassar....Freeland....Vassar...Traverse City...Vassar...Saginaw

A lot has happened in three short/long weeks.

Steve and I were able to spend a few days in Boston. Our room was on the 30th floor with a beautiful view. In the evenings there were many sail boats out on the river. We had a couple of dinners out and enjoyed some adult conversation. Boston has much to offer and we enjoyed our time there.

We spent some time around Labor Day at Mom DeLongs in Traverse City. The weather was perfect. Sitting on the deck in the evening and watching the sun shine on the trees across the lake is always a favorite for me. I was able to enjoy that a few times while we were there.

Mackenzie started school on Tuesday. First Grade here she comes. She is in a 1st/2nd grade class with 5 girls in the first grade and two boys in the second. She was excited that she now has 3 recesses.

Amber started preschool on Wednesday. She goes M-W-F for a full day. Amber did great on Wednesday but Friday she had a hard time. She cried because she missed her family. We will have to figure something out if this continues.

I put together a slide show of a few pictures. I seem to be having technical difficulty tonight so I'm not sure if the pictures will show up. Sorry!