Wednesday, April 1, 2009


April Fool's Day is upon us! Mackenzie had a private conversation with one of the girls yesterday at her Orthodontic appointment. She was excited when she left the office and was up early to pull this off. She got both her dad and I.
As she was leaving she said that there was another prank in the house waiting for me. The only hint she gave was that it had nothing to do with water. I'm going to be cautious around here.


Laurie said...

Too funny! Good job Mackenzie. :)

amber said...

Very funny! I haven't informed Jackson about what April 1 is! All he knows is that it's Austin's birthday! I'm leaving it at that!

Jackie said...

My brother used to pull that trick on me. Brings back memories. His other favorite was to take a straw and suck out all the filling from a jelly donut and blow in chili powder.

Kara said...

That stinker!
Rachel and Adam still don't get the whole joke thing, but every sentence ended with "April Fool's!" today.

Laura Wells said...

My oldest thought a lot about April fool's day this year too. But she didn't pull any jokes off successfully. And did you really post this at 5:30 am? wow.