Friday, May 22, 2009

School Picnic

Earlier this week the girls had a school wide picnic. The weather was perfect. The girls really enjoyed the games that they got to play together. I'm sure they would enjoy any time that they could play and not be in the classroom.
Amber's class was releasing their butterflies. Mrs. Bell (teacher) got caterpillars about a month ago. They got fat, spun their cocoon, then turned into butterflies. All 5 lived to fly away. What a great project.


Kara said...

Adam's class did the butterfly thing, too! I don't know if they released any yet... I need to go ask him.

Amanda Irene said...

We are looking forward to the kind/preschool outing and yet another chance to see andrew "preform" on stage. School only has 2 more days for us!