Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Day at the Fair!

On Tuesday this week, we spent a full day at the Imlay City Fair. I had 2 nephews and 3 nieces who showed sheep there. The kids did well. They each showed 2 market lambs. When it came time to judge for the Grand Champion Lamb each one of them were out there because they either placed 1st or 2nd in the weight class. My nephew Ethan had the Grand Champion Lamb and he then also had the Grand Champion Pen. Way to go kids!!! Your hard work paid off!
After the kids were done with their show we then went and rode rides. I have a niece and nephew the same age as Mackenzie and Amber so they had fun riding with Drake and Autumn.
Amber wants us to get a horse. Good thing we live in town. Getting a horse is not an option.


Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

good ol fair days ! i sure do miss 4-H cant wait to get Olivia involved with that !!

Laurie said...

My mom took us to at least one fair every year, we used to enter the fair making homemade ice cream and another lady from our church would churn butter. Then of course there were the rides, and Casey loved playing the games. Those were good times.

Kara said...

I remember throwing up when I got off the tilt-a -whirl once. ANd a girl got off the ride after me and put her hand in it. I love the fair.

Jenny LaBo said...

Kara that girl was me.

Kara said...

Then I threw up twice! Because one time I was with my cousin Alan and a STRANGER touched it.