Sunday, August 5, 2007

Family Gathering

This past Saturday, August 4th, we gathered at my parents home for a family party. There were 50 some who dropped in through out the day. We had a great time. It was a very warm day and I think Mackenzie and Amber spent about 12 hours in the pool that day.
Both my grandma's were there along with one of my dad's two sisters and 3 of my moms 4 sisters. Not all my cousins were present but more than half of them were there.
I've put together a few pictures from the day.


Pam said...

That looks like so much fun! A bunch of kids in a pool is always entertaining.

Laurie said...

I think Kara needs on of those water slides in her back yard. :)

TraceyLD said...

I think so too!

It was a combined birthday gift for my nieces and nephew from their uncle. Hint! Hint!

I don't think Adam would enjoy it. The water is cold. Rachel and Tommy would have a fun time though.

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

Big families are so much fun, and you all have kids close together how neat !!

Phil Luter said...

Wow, some of you have such spectacular ways of displaying your pictures! I can't even find my camera right now, much less do all this fancy stuff.

Phil Luter said...

Wow, some of you have such spectacular ways of displaying your pictures! I can't even find my camera right now, much less do all this fancy stuff.