Saturday, October 3, 2009

Braces Update

This is a picture just after Mackenzie got her braces on the end of April.

This is a picture from the end of September. Her teeth actually moved rather fast. She is excited and I am too. She now has the expanders (wires between the teeth to make room for her permanent tooth) on and they hurt only a little on they day they do the adjustment. She has been in almost no pain. Praise the Lord!


chris k said...

Wow! That was fast. Braces sometimes cause a lot of pain so she must be tough. Great job to the gal with the straight teeth!

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

they look great !!!

Pam Wickman said...

Wow! They look great! We're hoping for some fast moving on James' teeth too.

Laura Wells said...

Oh braces. Isn't she young to have them? I didn't think people got braces until all their permanent teeth were in. And the cost....ouch. But her teeth do look good.

Jackie said...

Wow - what a difference! Brings back memories of my childhood.

Kara said...

Again- you are so SMART to get that going while she's young, everything moves so fast!
She looks great. :)

TraceyLD said...

Laura..some of her perm. teeth were in the wrong places making it imposible for the other teeth to come in the right places. She will have to have braces again once all her teeth are in. Yes it is a cost but they broke it down to monthly payments so it is do able.