My Grandma passed away last evening. She was an amazing woman. She was diagnosed with bone cancer about a year and a half ago. Thankfully she still remained active and did not experience great pain. One July 5th she had 88 people at her home for the annual Barnes Lake Fireworks. She enjoyed herself that day and visited with many people. She was put in the hospital 7/13 with an infection. My family visited with her there on 7/17. She tickled Amber and we visited. She was transferred to Marlette Hospice on 7/18 for pain management. She was doing okay. The hope was to get the pain she was having under control so she could come home. God had other plans. Her body proceeded to shut down. Fortunately, she was able to rest peacefully and that is how she was went she went to be with Jesus.
Thank you for those who have been praying for my family.