Friday, August 21, 2009

What's up with this weather?

This is how the week is going. Have made the most of the sunny days. Played at the beach, lunch outside, great bike ride with ice cream, dinner cruise (pizza on the pontoon). What more could you want from a summer day.
And those rain days have been great to get a little reading in. The girls have been playing great together. Harmony in the house. PTL.
Back to reality this afternoon. Laundry and so much more!
Looking forward to Movie night tomorrow!


amber said...

Glad it's been such a good week! Love the dinner cruise idea! And yes, harmony in the house is almost a vacation in and of itself!

Kara said...

Isn't it the most glorious thing when the kids are getting along. I just want to pull up a chair and watch sometimes. Because you know minutes later the peace will be shattered with screams from someone (Tommy).